Friday, September 12, 2008

Very bad economist joke

When your neighbour loses his job, it is called an economic slowdown. When you lose your job, it is a recession. But when an economist loses his job, it becomes a depression.

Otherwise, not much happening here- tho' the weather last night decided that the rainy season hadn't ended yet (despite there being enough sun for a lovely trip to the beach last weekend)and so decided to bucket it down, causing many roads to turn into rivers (as per usual in the rainy season).

Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Meatrix

Since I sent out a newsletter today, this is going to be really brief- I receive emails from a network of personnel in the agriculture sector in SL designed to enhance agricultural production and productivity etc. Sometimes there's a lot of very serious agronomics on the system, sometimes something slightly more light-hearted is sent round... today's light hearted banter was:

Otherwise, all I have to say is that it's great being properly back online and as was pointed out by a very good friend of mine, I am finally beginning to recover from a serious bout of discomgoogolation.

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